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in Metal Turning by

1 Answer

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  1. Get a Lathe:

    Use a lathe machine, which holds and rotates the metal workpiece.

    Secure the Metal:

    Attach the metal piece to the lathe securely using clamps or a chuck.

    Choose Cutting Tool:

    Pick a cutting tool based on the desired shape and material.

    Set Speed and Feed:

    Adjust the lathe's speed and feed rate according to the metal type.

    Position the Tool:

    Move the cutting tool close to the metal, ready for turning.

    Start the Lathe:

    Turn on the lathe to rotate the metal.

    Engage the Tool:

    Gradually move the cutting tool into the metal surface to shape it.

    Check Measurements:

    Regularly measure the metal to ensure it matches the desired dimensions.

    Use Coolant (Optional):

    If needed, apply a coolant to prevent overheating during turning.

    Finish Turning:

    Complete turning until the metal reaches the desired shape.

    Turn Off Lathe:

    Switch off the lathe after finishing the turning process.

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